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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


tunity to discover their present situation; often exposed to the inclemency of the seasons, with a very precarious and frequently a scanty sup-ply of food and clothing. From the knowledge we have obtained of the extensive and valuable country they have lately given up to the United States, and of the narrow strip of land yet re-served for their own use, between the line of the American garrisons and from Detroit to the mouth of the Kentucky river, we were im-pressed with a belief that the Wyandots, Shawa-nese and Delawares who dwell there, will, unless they alter their present mode of living, be re-duced, in a few years, from the scarcity of game, to a state of extreme want and distress. At the upper end of Sandusky Town, they held a council with two of the principal chiefs of the Wyandot nation and several of their former warriors and young men, when Isaac Zane interpreted to them the address prepared by the Friends of Baltimore Yearly Meeting. He also interpreted the reply of one of the Chiefs, which was brief but friendly. They found that the Wyandots were the principal nation; that everything of importance must be transacted in their council; they can transact business by themselves, but the Dela-wares and Shawanese have to apply to them when any business of consequence is laid before their people. This reply of the Indians, was presented to