dian villages, our minds were often deeply af-fected under the sorrowful consideration of the baneful effect of spirituous liquors on them, being abundantly supplied with it in almost every vil-lage by Canadian traders residing among them; and we are confirmed in the opinion, that unless the traders can be restrained from furnishing them with this destructive article, in exchange for their skins and furs, they will not easily be persuaded to turn their minds towards agricul-ture and the useful arts. At the same time, we have no doubt that these unprincipled men will make use of the great influence they have over the Indians to keep them in their present mode of living, as most conducive to their own in-terests. Notwithstanding this cause of dis-couragement, the great affection which the In-dians have always manifested for our Society, induces us to desire that Friends may endeavor to keep under the weight of the concern, and be prepared to proceed in the benevolent work before them, whenever the way may open for service among them. Signed by EVAN THOMAS, JOEL WRIGHT, REESE CADWALADER, GEORGE ELLICOTT. Dated Monongahela, 6th mo. 26th, 1779 In the manuscript journal of George Ellicott to