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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


The next meeting of the committee was a special one, and held at Pike Creek, the 24th of the 5th month, 1802. This meeting was called in consequence of a part of the committee hav-ing had a conference with a number of Indian chiefs in Baltimore. The chiefs were on their way to Washington, the seat of Government, and were waited on at their lodgings, the Fountain Inn, Light Street, by the members of the Indian Committee of Baltimore and Ellicott's Mills, to confer with them on subjects of deep im-portance to their Red brethren, viz: the introduc-tion into their tribes of some of the arts of civil-ized life, and to remonstrate against the use of spirituous liquors. The Baltimore members pre-sented to the General Indian Committee the whole account of their conference, and the memorial they had presented to Congress against the introduction of spirituous liquors into the Indian settlements. As the account of the conference was published in several of the newspapers, I give the following extract from one of them: The editors having obtained a genuine copy of the proceedings of the committee appointed by the Yearly Meeting of the respectable So-ciety of Friends, in two conferences with the Indian Chiefs from the banks of the Wabash, Lake Erie, and Lake Michigan, being from the Pottowattomy, Miami, Delaware, Shawanese, Weas, Eel River, Piankshaw, Kickapoo