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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


frequent use of spirituous liquors was more in the way of their improvement than anything else, and appealed to them thus: Are you ofthe same mind with us who are your friends, and have your good at heart; that it would be right for us to take the subject into our serious con-sideration, to endeavor to discover whether there may not be some steps taken that would put a check upon this pernicious thing? After calling upon the chiefs to express them-selves freely in regard to the concern, theLittle Turtle inquired if any of his broth-ers, the Quakers, had any further communica-tion to make, and being desired to proceed, rose up and said: Brothers and Friends, I am happy to find it has pleased the Great Spirit, that we should again meet in the same house in which we held our council yesterday. I am happy to find that it is the will of the Great and Good Spirit that we should discover that there was something omitted yesterday, that was highly necessary for your red brethren. Friends and brothers, I am glad to find that it has pleased the Great Spirit to put a wish in your hearts on the subject you have mentioned; a subject of the greatest importance to us. What you have said relative to our being one flesh and blood is true. Your brothers, the In-dians, believe that it is in this light the Great Spirit considers all mankind. He afterwards remarked, that the Indians had long been aware