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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


Friends from moving forward, in extending to the Western Indians the benefits some years ago contemplated by the Yearly Meeting, are now removed, and considering the distant situa-tion of many of our members from each other, and the difficulty and even impracticability of ob-taining a general meeting; we have been in-duced to believe it right to submit the subject to the consideration of the Meeting for Sufferings for their cordial sympathy and advice, and if they may believe it right, for their co-opera-tion also. Signed by Evan Thomas, Moses Dillon, John M'Kim, Jonathan Wright, David Brown, George Ellicott, Elias Ellicott, Joel Wright. The Meeting for Sufferings entered cordially into sympathy with the members of the Indian Committee in their benevolent enterprise, and they were encouraged to appoint a Committee to procure agricultural, and other useful implements, and have them conveyed in seasonable time to Fort Wayne. The Committee on Indian concerns met again in Baltimore the 10th of 10th month, 1803, and drew up a report for Baltimore Yearly Meeting; in which they related that in consequence of information received from the Western Indians, and the prohibition by the President of the United States of the sale of spirituous liquors