amongst them, the Committee had been im-pressed with the belief that the time for an earnest commencement of the benevolent inten-tions of the Yearly Meeting had arrived; they had accordingly purchased for the use of those Indians agricultural implements of various kinds which were sent in packages to Pittsburg, from whence they were to be immediately con-veyed to Fort Wayne, and delivered as a present from the Society of Friends of Baltimore Yearly Meeting, to the Little Turtle, and other chiefs; to be disposed of by them, to such of their peo-ple as they knew were desirous of using them. They also reported that they had had some cor-respondence with William Wells, the Indian agent at Fort Wayne, but had not yet heard of the arrival of the agricultural implements at their destination. William Wells had replied to their enquiries on behalf of the Indians, and in-formed them as his opinion, that the suppres-sion of liquors in that country is the best thing that has ever been done for the Indians, by the United States; that within a year, not one In-dian had been killed; whilst there had never been a year before since the treaty of Gren-ville in which there were less than ten killed, and some years as many as thirty. The report was signed on behalf of the Com-mittee, by Evan Thomas, Joel Wright, and James Mendenhall. To this report a postscript was added, that in