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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


amount, it is true, but, nevertheless, a valuable contribution to the cause of humanity. Portions of these different sums of money were faithfully applied, with those collected from their own members, in giving encouragement to the civilization of the Indians; in the pro-motion of a good system of agriculture; in sup-porting schools; in building small mills for grinding Indian corn, and in endeavoring to discountenance the hard servitude of their women. On the establishment of the Yearly Meeting of Ohio, in 1813, which had originally formed a part of that of Baltimore, the Indian Com-mittee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting faithfully divided the money remaining on hand, with the Indian Committee of Ohio Yearly Meeting, to be applied in accordance with the instructions received for its expenditure; but the unsettle-ment produced in the neighborhood of the Cana-dian frontier, by the war with the British na-tion, produced its effect on the friendly tribes, and, after much consultation among themselves, and repeated visits of Chiefs to Washington, they concluded to cede all the lands to which they had any title, in Ohio, to the United States, and remove further west. This was in 1817.* * Emma Willard's American Republic. The Indians were at their option to remain on the ceded lands, subject to the laws of the State or country.