barous and unrelenting savage, by a countenance expressive of the utmost good humor. The wife of the Raven was a young and hand-some woman, of a modest and downcast expres-sion. She did not seem to entertain the preju-dices against civilized manufactures, which ex-isted in her husband's mind, and wore a blue cloth habit, though made in Indian style; a hat, covered with braided ribbon, feathers of different sorts, and tinsel ornaments. Her moccasins were beautifully embroidered with moose hair, inter-spersed with plaited rows of porcupine's quills; her necklace was made of several rows of beads of many colors, and her ear ornaments, which were drooping, and hung nearly down to her shoulders, were also of beads; and she wore, wrapped around her person, a fine Makinaw blanket. The Little Turtle and Rusheville, the Beaver and Crow, and the two Shawanese, were dressed in a costume usually worn by our own citizens of the time: coats of blue cloth, gilt buttons, pantaloons of the same color, and buff waistcoats; but they all wore leggings, moccasins, and large gold rings in their ears. The Little Turtle ex-ceeded all his brother Chiefs in dignity of ap-pearance-a dignity which resulted from the character of his mind. He was of medium stature, with a complexion of the palest copper shade, and did not wear paint. His hair was a full suit, and without any admixture of grey,