from the Government, but I have not been able to trace in them the specific amounts granted by that treaty. Mem. of the terms of the Treaty. PREAMBLE: that the treaty if to end a de-structive war, settle all controversies, and restore harmony, &;c. ART. 1. Peace re-established. ART. 2. Prisoners on both sides to be re-stored. ART. 3. Indians cede all lands east of a line running from the mouth of the Cuyahoga, irreg-ularlym to the Ohio opposite to the mouth of the Kentucky river. And cede 16 specified tracts. And free passage to the whites through certain routes through their country. ART. 4. The U.S relinquish all land west of the boundary, except 150,000 acres granted Gene-ral Clarke; the post of Vincennes; the French settlement on the Illinois, &;c.; and Fort Massoe, and give $20,000 in goods and annuities, amount-ing to $9,500. ART. 5. Indians to be protected in the occupa-tion of their lands as reserved to them; but to sell only to the U. States. ART. 6. Indians may expel settlers from their lands. ART. 7. Indians may hunt on lands ceded to the U.S., [until settled.]