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A Mission to the Indians from the Indian Committee of Baltimore Yearly Meeting to Fort Wayne, in 1804


ART. 8. Trade to be conducted by licensed traders. ART. 9. Neither party to retaliate injuries, but offenders to be punished by their own gov-ernment, and Indians are to give notice of hos-tile designs. ART. 10; All other treaties within the of this treaty cancelled. The following tribes were parties to the treaty of Greeneville; the figures prefixed to the name of each tribe shows the number of chiefs repre-senting it, and proves that at the date of the treaty, the Indians were a numerous people, viz: 10 Wyandots, 17 Delawares, 9 Shawanese, 7 Ottawas, 11 Chippewas, 24 Potowatamies, 5 Miamis, 3 Eel-river, 3 Weas, 3 Kickapoos, 3 Piankashaws, 3 Kaskaskias. For the United States, Anthony Wayne was sole Commissioner. The witnesses were: H. DeButts, Aid and Sec'y to Gen. Wayne; W. H. Harrison, afterwards President of the U.S., Aid to Gen. Wayne; J. Lewis, Aid to Gen. Wayne; James O'Hara, Quarter Master General; John Mills, Major, &;c.; Caleb Soran, P. M. G. U. S.; George Demeter, Lieutenant, &;c.;