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Halliday Jackson's Book [of Corrrespondence], Genesinguhta, 1798-1800


2nd Letter to the Committee 11th mo. 16th 1798 Wrote by my companions when I was on a Journey. Dear Friends Since we wrote to you we received a letter from Thomas Wistar which gave us an account that the Yellow Fever had again been permitted to visit the City of Philadelphia, no doubt but it has been a very distressing time to many--We have been employed the latter part of this Season in building a comfortable two story log house 18 by 22 feet, covered with Pine Shingles, Sellar’d underneath, and the Chimney composed of Stone and Clay--We have erected a good stable large enough to accommodate our Horses and a Cow, also assisted several of the Indians in building etc. We have lately bought a dry Cow of one of the Indians who was desirous of parting with her, in hopes that she will supply us with Milk next Summer-- We expect shortly to commence a School