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Halliday Jackson's Book [of Corrrespondence], Genesinguhta, 1798-1800


-ening us in our present engagement—We expect there are letters from you delayed at Pittsburgh or Franklin for want of opportunities of forwarding them to us, which is very rare at this Season of the Year otherwise we would write oftener to you than we do We received a plentiful increase of the most of our Summer produce, and also prepared ground to sow several bushels of Winter Grain, but the River being so low we got disappointed in getting Seed, altho’ we wrote to Pittsburgh for it soon after Harvest and our Agents there forwarded it to Franklin for us—We expect it to come forward in the Spring and do to sow another year—Several of the Young Indians manifest some inclination to take up work, and last fall we had one employ'd a while at our business—We have kept up a School at Conishadaga this Winter in one of the Indians Houses where from 12 to 25 Children have attended who appear to make as much progress in learn-ing-