minds by the next meeting of the committee as to pro-duce a willingness to spend some time in your settlement. Your answer to the letter of the Cataraugus Chiefs is such a proof of your Guarded care and anxious concern for their Good as it could not fail of being very satisfactory to the Committee who have agreed to forward for their use some hoes and Axes together with the Articles for your accom-modation when convenient opportunity occurs, and for your information we enclose a Copy of a letter addressed to that tribe by our friends who were at your country last Fall – Under a full persuasion that every act of obedience is not only noticed but in the lords time fully rewarded, we doubt not but your dedication to the very trying duty allotted you will (as patience is abode in) be abundantly recom-pensed, with that peace which surpasseth every Temporal acquisition – With desires that you may be favoured with the continuance of that divine support which hath hitherto been graciously afforded for your strength and encouragement we remain your affectionate friends Joel Swayne &; H Jackson John Elliott Ellis Yarnall on behalf of the committee