collectd together when I found the writeing they wanted done was a speech which Corn-plan ters Brother was going to make respecting what (he saith) he had seen in a trance some time before, which I would willingly have evaded write ing but could not without giveing offence to the Indians which I though best to avoid at that time. The old man related several strange things which he said was shown unto him, all which I wrote but shall avoid inserting here - and after the whole was related they desired me to tell them my opinion of it and whether I thought it was true -- But I told them I had, had but little time to think about it and could not tell, and therefore avoided giveing them an answer at that time -- Then the Council ended and next day I return'd home -- 29th of the month By a certain Francis King who was setled on the waters of this River about 60 miles above us we received a number of Letters from Philadelphia and also from our relations in the adjacent parts which after a long winter in which we had receivd but little informa tion from them was truly satisfactory We also got intelligence from the committee