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Halliday Jackson 1800 Journal (continued)


About this time Cornplanter and a member of his people went to Buffalo Creek to receive their yearly annuity from Goverment at which place a general Council of the Seneca Nation was held where the Superintendant of Indian affairs Attended -- On their return Corn-planter requested us to attend at their Village when the collected to divide their money which we did accordingly the 8th of this month, Corn- planter then informd us of their proceeding at the Late Counsel at Buffalo Creek and of the disunity that was like to take place among the different tribes -- also gave us a sorrowful account of a Murder that was com- mitted at that place during his stay there, by an Indian who lived in the Genesee Countrey. -- In the house of Wm. Johnson a Negro Man was playing with a Child that was runing about the Floor - The Indian comeing in said to him You are a Negro, you have no business here, do you go away -- but the poor Black man little thinking his doom was so near paid little attention to him but being told the Indian had a knife in his hand he flew back to the wall, &; the Indian without any further provocation