appear'd satisfied -- I also thought proper to inform them that I was now about to leave the Indian Country and go home to any friends, that I had been very happy in liveing this thwo years among their Brethren on the Allegany River endeavouring to be useful to them, and that I felt so much regard for them as to come and see them before I left their Countrey that I was well pleas'd in viewing their Land and glad the had reserv'd such a fine piece of Land to live upon, and was desirous they might use all endeavours to cultivate this Land that they might came to enjoy plenty to live upon -- also that I heard of their resolutions to quit the use of Strong drink, and hoped they might be strong in them so as to gain a victory -- After some further re- marks the Young war Chief (who appears to be a man of an active understanding) made a reply that he was thankful the Great Spirit above had preseved such a fine day for us to meet together and that we appear'd to be of one mind -- And then repeated a Speech nearly in substance to what he had delivered to Jacob Taylor &; Jonathan Thomas about two weeks before, which which was as follows "We feel happy to see you arive at our Town &; thank the great Spirit for preserveing you safe on the Journey as if