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Halliday Jackson 1800 Journal (continued)


he had appointed this day for us to meet together - We call you Brothers because you are willing to instruct us and we thank you for takeing the pains to call to see us - we now want to enquire of you concerning a speech we sent down to Philadel- phia last winter to our friends - Quakers - we have had a great deal of difficulty about the sale of our lands, and much counseling together have got this piece reserved for ourselves to live upon - we have looked round on every side to see if there was any people that regarded the good Spirit so much as to deal Justly and honestly with us - we heard of the Quakers that they were honest and might be depended on, &; we unanimously agreed in counsel to apply to them for assistance and instruction, and in the first place requested them to furnish us with a set of Sawmill Irons which they have kindly granted and sent forward -- we often consider our wild situation and sometimes think we are too wild to become a civilized people, but we have come to a resolution to try all we can, and now their is not any body can charge the people of this Town with doing any damage or Mischief neither has there been