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Halliday Jackson 1800 Journal (continued)


and a path being markt thro' the wilderness to pine creek which emties into the west Branch of Susquehannah Francis King propos'd send ing a pilot with me thro the as far as the first settlement on Pine Creek -- 19th About eight Oclock tok Leave of my companion Joel &; the Indians that were with me, and proceeded on thro' the wilderness nearly an east and sometimes southeast direction-- past up the waters of the Oswego Creek about 15 miles, thence over two or three mountains and encampt on one of the head waters of the Allegany River where it was about large enough to turn a mill haveing come I supose twenty five miles the path generally pretty good, the Land Clear of Stone and of an exelent Quality abound ing with Hemlock white paine Beech, and in some places wild Cherry and Sugar Maple. The night being Clear Lodg'd very comfort- ably beside our fire with out any Covering -- 20th Set forward early and pass'd up a remark able hollow or narrow vale for about three miles which appeard to be about 40 Rod wide at the entrance and terminated at a point In very high Land running nearly eastward thence over the high ridge to the head