and roads beat in every direction from it by the numurous herds of Elk and deer that resort thither to water - it is said near thirty Elk have been seen about it in one drove, &; evident marks appear that the Indians have formerly made it a memorable place -- To this place Canoes can come up this stream being near 70 miles from where it unites with the Susquehannah -- past on about six miles further and met with a small cabbin, (one of the before mentioned peoples encampments) where we lodg'd comfortably on our blankets an exelent flat being near afforded pasture for our horses haveing traveled about 30 miles -- 21st Set out early and rode down the Creek 6 miles to the third fork Where stands the first house being 60 miles from kings Settle ment -- this was formerly a noted place by the Indians, calld the big Meadows - some exelent flats here abounding with Hickory &; White Walnut -- At this place lived one James Mills