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Halliday Jackson 1800 Journal (continued)


they were tir'd of this place and determi ned to move further back in the woods-- I concluded they were as far back in the wood already as I should like to settle, but there appears to be a Class of people advanc'd in civilization but one degree about Indians that cannot live contented when the inha- bitants crowds in upon them -- the like to be on the frontiers of the Countrey their children are brought up without education &; indulg'd in the habits of Savage life, whereby their morals are greatly corrupted, and often prove pernitious examples to the poor aborigines of the Land -- Near the mouth of pine Creek in a body of exelent Land some well cultiva ted farms and Large fields of good Grain -- At Lodg'd at Morrisons Tavern where I got good entertainment -- 23rd In the morning cross'd the Creek again where it was about 100 yards wide (after have ing cross'd it I suppose more than 50 times in that many miles distance) and rode down the west Branch of the Susquehannah