for this purpose I have traveled a great distance being sent by your old friends the boston Missionary Society. You will recollect they formerly sent missionaries among you to instruct you in religeon and labour for your good. Although they have not heard from you for a long time yet they have not forgoten their brothers of the Six Nations and are still anxious to do you good. Brothers, I have not come to get your lands or your money but to enlighten your minds, and to instruct how to worship the Great Spirit agreably to his mind and will and to preach to you the Gospel of his son Jesus Christ. There is but one religeon and one way to serve God and if you do not em -brace the right way you cannot be happy hereafter, you have never worshiped the Great Spirit in a manner acceptable to him, but have all your lives been in Great errors and darkness. To endeavour to remove these errors and open your eyes so that you may see clearly is my business among you. Brothers I wish to talk with you as one friend talks with another. and if you have any objections to receive the religeon which I preach I wish you to state them and I will