Some Account of a Visit pa to the Friends at Tunesassa &; the Indians liveing on Allegany &; Cata- raugus Rivers, agreably to an appoint- ment of the Committee on Indian Affairs in the 8th Month 1806-- I left home on Seconday the first of the ninth month, &; pursuant to agreement met with John Philips, &; Isaac Bonsal who were to be my Companions on the inten- ded embassy, &; Nicholas Waln Jr also pro- pos'd accompanying us for the benefit of his health. -- On the 2nd we set out from Isaac Bonsals and traveling by way of Maidencreek, Catawessy, Muncy, Williams- port and Morris's Settlement on pine Creek we reached Francis Kings on the Oswega in the afternoon of the 10th all in good health, having had pleasant weather for traveling the night previous lay on our Blankets