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Halliday Jackson's Journal, 1806


in the River last Spring was a year had wash'd away a good deal of the soil, &; injur'd the improvements very much so that most of the Indians has mov'd and setled higher up the River -- While we were here Connudia came to see us in order to agree upon a time for holding a counsel, &; altho we desired a little time to go about, &; view their improvements previous to meeting them in Counsel, yet as we understood they were going off in a few days to meet a General Counsel of the six Nations at Buffalo Creek we thought most expedient to fix upon Seconday next, &; Connudia agreed to inform the Indians accordingly --- After returning to Tunesassa and haveing some conferrence with our friends we under- stood some little uneasiness had got into a few of the Indians minds with respect to our friends not lending them tools and working for them as much as they formerly did - we also understood that one or two of their young Chiefs had introduc'd some Liquor in a Clandestine manner in order to sell to the white people, but that the Indians in