to carry back a true account to our friends in their counsel at Philadelphia -- 9 Mo. 15th 1806 Isaac Bonsal John Philips Halliday Jackson After the foregoing was read and ex- -plain'd to them some verbal observations were made encourageing them to live in peace and harmony with their wives &; not to let trifling matters part them but consider them companions for life for it was pleasing to the Great Spirit for man and Woman to live together in har- mony - also some remarks directing them to the inward principal of Light in the heart, which would make their minds uneasy when they did wrong, and afford them peace and tranquility when they did, that which was pleasing to the great Spirit -- They were also encoura- ged to live in harmony and friendship among themselves, that this would enable them to make a progress in the good work we were endeavouring to pro- mote among them, but if they split