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Halliday Jackson's Journal, 1806


more steady in their Conduct &; more Clean and decent in their dress than I had ever saw them before -- their houses are also kept much cleaner than formerly, and one thing I several times observ'd which I thought something of a novelty among Indians &; a ple[as]in[g] indication that they were beginning to be asham'd of their dirty way of liveing that when the women saw us aproa- -ching their Doors they immediately began to sweep their houses 16th This Morning about nine Oclock we rode up the River to Genesinguhta flats above the Cold Spring to view what improvements the Indians had made there -- we found a considerable num- -ber of Cornfields extended along the Creek between two and three miles from the River, enclos'd under good fence, and the Corn look'd well in the General being on land of a superior quality - We sat a while in Blue Eyes house eat some Indian Squashes, and on our way back, stopt to view Henery Abeals