they complain and say I did not tell them the truth, and perhaps now after you go away they will tell me and Peter Snider we are both Liars, &; therefore I am determined to speak right out plainly -- Brothers, The Indians have understood there was a large sum of Money raisd by the Quakers to assist them, &; they want to know how this money was laid out, and whether these Mills was paid for out of that Money, for you have built them Mills &; the Indians buy Boards from you, and sometimes they can't tell whether you are helping them, or they helping you." He also made some observations on their improvement since we first came amongst them, contrasting their present situation with what it then was, &; acknowledged their present conditition was much better and refer'd to me, to witness the same -- This was replie'd to nearly as follows: that when we first came undertook to assist the Indians a large sum of Money was rais'd, &; the first settlement was made among their Brethren the Onieda Indians which continued near four years and a great deal of money was spent there --