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Halliday Jackson's Journal, 1806


We told them we had done speaking and hop'd we fully understood each other, that all things were now strait and smoother and would bid them farewell in love and friendship -- which we did most of the Indians shakeing hands with us in a friend- -ly Manner -- The Counsel lasted about four hours -- Several of their principal Women being present - &; notwithstanding some little matters occur'd rather unusual,and a little disagreable (but we believd occa- sioned by one or two of their young assume ing Chiefs without due considerations, who are more dispos'd to find fault from a disposition of Covetousness than to return gratitude for the many benefits they have receiv'd from the kindness our friends have shown them) yet we left them pretty much to our satisfaction, &; our friends at Tunesassa were of the opinion our Communications to the Indians would have a good effect at the present time -- Their speeches to us were all interpreted by Peter Snider and not being well qualifi- ed