for the service a considerable loss was sus- taind -- and a very evident loss among the Indians for want of a Chief qualified to deliver their Speeches with ease and cor- rectness, notwithstanding they had previ- ously agreed upon the subjects of their com munications -- 17th The most of this day employ'd in write- ing &;c. In the afternoon Cornplanters Sister (who is a principal woman and was pre- -sent at the Counsel) came to see us and told us she did not feel satisfied with the Speech Silverheels made to us yeas- terday - that it was a very bad speech, &; she hoped we would not make our minds uneasy about it. She said she was glad to see us &; the Indians were generally satisfied with us - and she hoped we would be encouraged, for she knew the Women wished the Girls to learn &; many of the Girls also wish'd to be in- structed, &; said our Women were fully capable of instructing them -- Several Girls came in the afternon and spun and knit a little ----