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Halliday Jackson's Journal, 1806


&;c in abundance -- We also saw some lots sow'd with Timothy -- They appear'd to be clearing more land in many places some of which is intended to be put in, with Wheat this fall -- They have a good stock of Cattle and abundance of Swine -- They have several horses among them, but the greater part of their farming is done Drawing Logs &;c is done with Oxen -- Their improve- ment in divers respects since I left them, has rather exceeded my expectation &; quite equal to any improvement I have observ'd in any of the new settlements made by Whites in the same length oftime, &; their houses better put up, &; fences in a general way far superior to those made by White set- lers in the Back parts of Pensylvania &; York States. Their continued resolutions against the use of Spiritous Liquors af- -fords an encourageing prospect, that friends Labour among them has been peculiarly blest. Several Old Men whom I well knew had former been very much addicted to drinking and generally intoxicated when they could obtain Liquor, is now become sober &; industrious, &; very few Instances of intoxication -