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Halliday Jackson's Journal, 1806


have occur'd among the Allegany Indians for two or three years past - towards the Close of our last interview I observ'd to them "the satisfaction I felt in seeing the happy change had taken place among them in this respect, that when I and my companions first came among them &; setled at Genesinguhta it was disagre able being in their Towns on account of the Liquor -- that now I could see them at work on their farms, Building houses, &; clearing Land but then it was common to see them in their Towns several of their old people in a huddle together, trying to prop one another from falling" -- One of the Old Women who was present - cry'd out in the Coun- sel &; said "that was the truth" --- In the Course of this day an Indian chief call'd Jacob Snow (with Captain Bone &; several others) came to see us &; said he was not satis fied with the Speech Silverheels made to us at the Counsel, &; that the Indians in general was much displeas'd with it that most of them was well satisfied with