Our proceedings &; hope'd we would not think of leaveing them to themselves for that would make his mind very uneasy &; he hop'd we would not tell the speech of that young Chief to the Counsel at Philadelphia for altho. he had got liberty from the Other Chiefs to make such a speech, it was by importunity, and was very contrary to their wishes -- but if we did speak of it to our friends at Philadelphia we must also tell them what he had now told us - He also told us he was very desirous to have one of his children educated with our friends, and taught the same ways and some thoughts of the Quakers -- &; wish'd us to give him a grant that it should be so educated when it was old enough it being now but two years old -- This request we could not com ply with, as we told him it was uncer-tain whether any friends would remain at Tunesassa so long a time --- He appeard to be a sober sensible Man, said he was very desirous to become a good farmer, we understand has a good deal of money, and shew'd us several deeds, he had forlots of Ground he had purcha- sed from the White people in some