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Halliday Jackson's Journal, 1806


20th Breakfasted at our Lodgeing (which we nam'd Bonsals Camp) and cross'd the broad Mountain about 12 miles over to Catauraugus River -- on our way crossing this mountain we overtook a company of Munsy Indians who had been out hunting they left the road to let us past but kept very close to our heels - one Woman was in their company mounted on horseback carrying several great packs of Skins and a young Child in her arms. In descending this mountain we had a remarkable steep narrow ridge to go down for several hundred feet and only just wide enough for one horse to travel on, with any degree of safety, and we thought dangerous to sit on horseback, but the Indian Woman rode down with as much ease &; unconcernedness as one of our Women would ride a Square in Philadelphia -- After Crossing the River we stop &; fed our horses eat some ourselves and spent a little time in viewing a very rich flat at the head of the Indians reservasion being land of the first quality cover'd in many places