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Halliday Jackson's Journal, 1806


tendant of Indian Affairs his home, Who appears to be a ty Man &; much disposd to promote the Indians welfare - He invited us into his room, to spend the evening &; entertaind us Cheerfully converseing about Indian affairs, tho in a very weak state of health -- He gave us a satisfactory account of the Tonewanta Indians, that they were progress- ing in Agriculture, and last season most of them had rais'd wheat; also said the Indians at Buffalo Creek were becoming more Sober and some of them more Industrious -- He also spoke of the satis- faction he had in visiting the Indians at Allegany in the Course of the last Summer &; seeing the improvements they had made; &; said he thought it had a stimulating influence on the Seneca Nation generally to become more acquain- ted with Agriculture -- that he had endeavoured to animate the Indians at Buffalo by telling them their Brothers