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Halliday Jackson's Journal, 1806


ed by the warmth of the nter of these stones have been fo ut Buffalo Creek, &; probably in some the bowels of the Earth contains a mass of Rocks of the same medical qualitys from which the Seneca Oil Issues ---- We left Amsterdam about eight Oclock and rode to Batavia 40 Miles - Some part of the way thro' Open plains of limestone land &; a great scarcity of Water and other parts cover'd with heavy timber of several kinds such as Bass Beech, Sugar Maple, hemloc &; pine, the land of an exelent quality &; fort -- Batavia is situated at the Great P of the Tonewanta - a very fine Mill, Court two Taverns - &; several good dweling p compose the Village which with s improv'd farms adjoining, have built &; Made within five years evening a number of Indians fro ariv'd here on their way to the Grea at Buffalo Creek -- they had one with them dress'd neatly in an engl for which we gave her some credit -- all behav'd sober &; civilly without a drop of Liquor to our knowledge, be noted with satisfaction that i