which is skimmed off the water in great quantities, resembling the Seneca or British oil in smell; its length being about thirty-six miles from its mouth to the place where it issues out of a small lake. 9th. Being very rainy, I rode two miles to a black-smith at Oil Creek mill, got a shoe on my mare and returned to my company at Titus's, where we remained all this day, it being very wet, and lodged in the same barn. 10th. Being a fine morning, we set off early and rode twenty-nine miles near the mouth of a large stream called Brokenstraw, where we pitched our tent, kindled a fire, and lodged in the woods. I am not furnished with language or memory to describe the particulars of this day's journey, but may en-deavor to note some particulars. After leaving Titus's we rode two miles to a newly erected mill and saw-mill on a branch of Oil Creek, which the Holland Company have erected in order to supply the new settlers with flour, etc., and divers of them come there twenty, twenty-five, and more miles with bags of grain on a horse, to be ground; there being no road that any carriage can pass, and indeed, (to such who have not seen those mountainous new countries), it would appear to impraticable to pass with a single horse. After leaving the mill we soon entered aforest of white pine, hemlock and divers other sorts of timber not necessary to mention, and great part of our ride this day was through timber of that sort; some of the way tolerably level, but a great part of it such mountains thickly set with stones and rocks, which together with the interlocking of the roots of the timber, a little comparable to a corn-rid-dle, and the deep swampy guts, it was with difficulty we got along over roots and rock the cavities be-tween them being so deep and so close together thathad our horses got their legs in, (and this to appear-ance seemed almost unavoidable), they must have been broken. But I suppose the way to be much bet-ter than it was two years ago, being now a cut path all the way, which was not the case then. In many places the timber is, I believe, from one hundred to two hundred feet high, and thickly set, insomuch that a great part of the face of the ground and rocks is scarcely ever saluted with the luminous rays of the sun, which I think is the reason of the rocks and old logs being very thick set with coats of moss; and as the seed of different kinds of trees falls on this moss which the rocks and old logs contain, there being moisture enough contained in it to occasion a vegeta-tion, the body or trunk ascends and the roots crawl on the surface of the rock or log to the edge, and then descend into the gorund, and great numbers of that description are grown into large trees the roots of which clasp a rock a little similar to the clasp of an eagles claw; and on many of these rocks there are several trees. I saw one rock about twenty feet in diameter, which had seven trees on it, some of which were two or three feet over and perhaps one hundred and fifty feet high and the rock ten or twelve feet high. I think we saw neither house nor improvement for twenty miles; neither can I suppose much of it will be settled for many years to come, We came on the Brokenstraw about seven miles above the mouth and rode sixe miles down the stream to the place of our encampment, through a very rich bottom. As I rode along this day I frequently experienced a transition of ideas; while passing through the dark shades of the thick and lofty timber which sometimes appeared like a desolate, gloomy wilderness comparable to the gloom of eternal night; and other times so great, so grand, so magnificent that it became truly transporting. 11th. Set off early, without taking breakfast or feeding our horses. Rode down the aforesaid creek almost to the mouth and with some difficulty got along, the Indian path up the river being in many places hard to be discovered, to a place called War-ren [now the county seat of Warren county], being a newly laid out town, but without much building ex-cept one cabin and a storehouse built by the Holland Company near the mouth of another large stream called Connowongo. Here we breakfasted and fed our horses. The people in the cabin were very kind, made our chocolate for us and gave us some good pigeon soup. [Distance] nine miles. Here we hired a guide; rode over the Connowongo, and followed our guide with undescribable difficulty about sixteen miles to Cornplanter's settlement. The logs, the brush, and thick-set young timber rendered this stage extremely difficult and tiresome; almost a continual succession of logs, in many places three or four in a perch, as high as our horses could step over, and many of them they had to jump; and the young growth being so thick that if we were two rods apart we would have to call out to each other in fear of be-ing lost. About an hour before sunset we reached the new house which Cornplanter is getting built, and the schoolhouse where Henry Simmons teaches the young Indians, at which place we met with Henry, greatly to our mutual comfort, and where we tarried all night in the schoolhouse. At this place there are several comfortable houses building, it being about one mile lower down the river than where Cornplan-ter's village stands, and appears to be on more suita-ble ground, which with the advice of our young men, the Indian inhabitants of the town just above, pro-posed to move. Cornplanter and many others of the nation came this evening to visit us, and appeared to be much pleased with our coming. 12th. This morning the old chief and some of his connections brought us some cucumbers to help out our breakfast, and immediately returned to his vil-lage. We then soon set off up the river, Henry Sim-mons bearing us company, and in about one mile we came to the town. Stopped a few minutes with the Indians who gathered around us apparently much pleased with our arrival. We proposed a council or conference with them, to be held in two days after that time, to which they readily assented, and agreed to send out some runners to inform their people. We then took leave of them for the present and pro-ceeded up and across the river twice to Genesinguhta, to our dear friends, Halliday Jackson and Joel Swayne, whom we met with mutual joy, and rested pretty much in the house the remainder of this day,