the path from Cornplanter's to Genesinguhta being in some places very difficult passing; [the distance] being nine or ten miles. 13th. Stayed with our friends and visited several families of Indians in their houses and cabins. One Indian, John, has built himself a snug house and kitchen, the logs well-hewn and the joists and boards planed, [with] sash and glass windows. He has mowed and made two good stacks of hay, fenced in several acres of ground in which he has good corn; and several others of them are improving in their buildings, fencing, etc. We have fared very well this day on provision wellcooked by Halliday Jack-son; also walked about and reviewed the improve-ment made by our young friends in this wilderness country, which appears considerable. And althoughI think the spot they are settled upon is much infer-ior to many other places in these parts for fertility, yet their corn and buckwheat are good; [they] had pretty good oats, have a considerable quantity of hay procured, a large garden of good vegetables, and have about five acres of ground cleared and plowed ready to sow wheat. They have got a comfortable two-story house to live in, and several other necessarybuildings. [To be Continued.]