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Isaac Coates Journal of Journeys to the Indian Country


man, but by some means he forfeited his right of membership with our Society before he left England. His wife died after he came here, leaving with him seven or eight children who are members. John and Mary Bell with six or seven children are all members. These two families with one or two more, are in the commendable practice of meeting together once or twice a week in order to pay the tribute of worship. We sat with them in their little meet-ing and dined at John Bell's, whose wife is a woman of the most exquisite sensibility; and at our depart-ure taking leave of them [it] seemed as much as she could bear with becoming fortitude. After dinner, walked along with Halftown down the Osweo six miles, where it empties into the Alleghany, and he had left his canoe. The water being very low, some of us walked and others rode in the canoe turn about until we reached Adam Hoopes's, fourteen miles from King's. The land and timber down the river to here, pretty good. Said Hoopes received us very kindly in his cabin and treated us with the best provision he had; which was venison, [and] corn, dried, pounded, and made into mush, with milk to eat with it. We all slept on the floor of his cabin before the fire, hav-ing some of his poultry taking their repose close by us. He is a courteous man who owns 20,000 acres of land in this country, a considerable part of which is very good, and is now beginning a settlement just at the mouth of a boatable stream called Issua, which perhaps in time may become a very valuable estate. He has got a large house raised but not covered, and some corn standing, and perhaps eight or ten acres which he intends to sow wheat upon. [To be Continued.]