would stay all winter, and then we think our smithsby that time, with his instruction, will be able to doour work; but now they cannot do all we want. We replied that John Pennock, (the good smithhe meant), had a wife and children at home who re-quired his attention, and we could not urge him tostay from them longer than he was willing; that hehad been with them as long as we expected; butwhen we got home we would mention their requestto our friends for them to consider whether theycould help them or not. And as I have heretofore and more stongly oflate felt my mind impressed with strong desires forthe benefit and improvement of the poor natives fromwhom our predecessors in the first settlement ofPennsylvania received so much kindness and assist-ance, at times [I] felt a flow of good-will towardsthem, and the rest of my brethren present havingdesired me to reply to them, I addressed them in sub-stance, as follows: Brethren and friends attend. It is now a greatmany years since our forefathers, the Quakers, came over the great water and began to settle in that partof this country called Pennsylvania. At that timethe Indians were very numerous and we were butvery few. The Indians were kind to our forefathers,helped and assisted them in the wilderness. Loveand confidence were kept alive towards our fathersand the Indians a great many years, and they wereat peace with each other; but after some years a greatmany other people came over the great water and agreat many were born here who were not so peace-able and did not love the Indians so much as ourfathers did, who were the first settlers. And as thesepeople became numerous, for a good while [they] hada share in the great councils in Pennsylvania; and atlength as our fathers, the Quakers, were altogetherfor peace, and the others became the more numerous,they took the great councils of the State affairs inPennsylvania into their hands; many of these werevery desirous of having the Indians' lands, and asfast as they could kept driving them back. Then In-dians began to kill white men and white men to killIndians. All this time the Quakers loved the In-dians and did not kill any of them, but were verysorry the Indians and white men did kill one another,but could not help it; and [during] the long time ofIndians and white men being at war and killing oneanother, treaties were often appointed, and althoughthe Quakers had no power over either the Indians orwhites, yet some of them almost always attended thetreaties to try to keep the Indians from being cheatedout of their land or other things. The wars andtroubles continued at times between the Indians andwhites, until about ten years ago when there seemedto be a general peace agreed upon between the In-dians and white people in this country. Soon afterthat, at one of our great councils in Philadelphia,where there were a great many hundred Quakerspresent, we remembered our Indian brothers, whosefathers were so kind to our fathers, and on whosefathers' lands, (which once belonged to them), wenow live so comfortably; and our Indian brothersbeing driven back, we counciled amongst ourselvesto know what way we could do them the most good.We then thought if we would raise a great deal ofmoney--and give it to them, they would soon wasteit and spend it for whiskey and in other ways whichwould do them no good at last. Then we concludedto ask leave of the President of the United States totry to help our Indian brothers. The President ap-peared to love the Indians and gave us leave; and aswe knew that by clearing and cultivating our land wehad got to live comfortably, we thought it would bebest to get some of our sober, industrious young mento come out and live amongst them and endeavor toteach them to clear and farm their land so that theymight live comfortably as we do on ours. It is nowseveral years since some of our young men have beenliving amongst you. Now, brothers, it rejoices our hearts to find thatthe Good Spirit has preserved our young menamongst you and that we see signs of industry takingplace; many of you are beginning to build betterhouses and clear out your land, raise more corn, aswell as cattle and wheat, particularly up the river.Brothers, you may be assured that we do not wantanything from you for all that we do for you, neitheryour skins, your furs, your land, nor anything elsethat you have; only that you should attend to thecounsel and instruction of our young men who liveamong you. Brothers, it made our hearts glad whenwe heard from our young men that the Seneca nationof Indians, more especially on the Alleghany River,had taken up the resolution to banish whiskey andother strong liquor from amongst you; we wish youto be strong in your resolution and join together asone man against this mighty evil; and when any ofyour young men are out hunting or otherwise metwith white people that offer it to them, be sure to re-fuse, for when a man drinks some he mostly wantsmore and more until he gets drunk; and when thatis the case either with white people or Indians, theymostly neglect their business; their wives and chil-dren often suffer for want of necessary things.Brothers, there are other things that do a great manywhite men much harm, which are gaming, playingcards and laying wagers; whereby many of themnot only spend their time unprofitably, but often losealmost all that their wives, children, and themselvesshould have to live upon. We wish you not to fallinto any of these practices, but to live sober, indus-trious lives; and then the Good Spirit will love andpreserve you. But if you will get drunk and bewicked, you will feel sorrow and trouble in your ownhearts for it. After which a letter from John Parrish to Corn-planter was read, which mentioned this desire,--thatthey might follow the counsel we gave them; thatthey would have the ox instead of the buffalo, thehog instead of the bear, and the sheep instead of thedeer. Cornplanter then replied it was very true if wehad given them a large sum of money it would allhave been gone before now and they would havebeen none the better; and he appeared quite elevatedwith John Parrish's prospect of their having domesticanimals instead of the wild, and said very pleasantly