Tenth month 8th [1803]. This morning GeorgeVaux's horse appeared to be very much amiss, but weall set off early and rode six miles to a good tavernwhere the store-house formerly was. Breakfastedand fed our horses; but when we set off it was thoughtby us all [that] George Vaux's horse would not be ableto travel so as we might reach the meeting of Friendsat Mud Creek to-morrow. We then unanimouslyagreed for Isaac Bonsall and me to go forward in orderto reach the meeting, and the others to get along aswell as they could, and all of us to meet next Third-day evening near the outlet of Crooked Lake. Wetwo then rode on and crossed the Genesee River andthence to General Hall's tavern, where we had good accommodations; it being thirty-six miles from Ba-tavia. 9th and first of the week. Set off early and rodeabout twelve miles to Jacob Smith's and got break-fast; he and his daughter accompanying us about sixmiles more to the meeting heretofore called MudCreek, but which is now called Farmington, that be-ing the name of the township. And they have nowa monthly meeting, which is held the fifth day of theweek before the last First-day in every month. Iwas glad to meet with divers Friends with whom Ihad formerly spent some time very agreeably. Themeeting appears to be very much increased since Iwas here before. It was silent to-day. We dined atNathan Comstock's and then rode to Abraham Lap-ham's, where a considerable number of the Friendsof the neighborhood came and spent the evening withus; amongst whom were Joseph Jones and wife, hehaving purcased [land] and living near here. Uponthe whole it was a very agreeable and satisfactoryevening. Many subjects of a religious nature wereconversed upon which I believe ended to mutual sat-isfaction; and I think I was not mistaken when herebefore, when I believed if they improved in a religioussense according to their activity and talents, they might be a shining light in this fast settling northerncounty of good land. This day, twenty miles. 10th. Spent this [day] in order to let our horsesrest and get some of our linen washed. We took the opportunity of walking to see some friends and viewthe improvements made by these Eastern people,which exceed what can be conceived in the idea of a Pennsylvanian or more southern man, for the time.They seem as if there were scarcely anything too hardor too heavy for them to undertake and go throughwith, especially in opening a new country heavilytimbered. Said Lapham, though he does not appeara robust man, has made a surprising improvementfor the fime he has been settled here which is abouteight years; and although there has been an uncom-mon drought in this country this year, they have made250 cheeses this summer, many of which will weighfifty pounds, and but very few less than thirty pounds, which, to be sure, in their cheese-house has a beauti-ful appearance. Although I have such an opinion ofthe Eastern men in opening the wilderness, I thinkthey are far short of a good Pennsylvania farmer inkeeping their farms in good order after they have themcleared. We propose to lodge another night with theseour kind friends, Abraham and Esther Lapham, whoseem disposed to do everything they can to accommo-date us. The neighbors hereabouts have been twonights and one day collecting and bringing their hogsto Lapham's, and to-morrow morning they propose toset off with 250 of them about seven or eight miles intothe woods to feed upon the acorns and beech nuts which are very plenty, and have agreed with four per-sons to stay in the woods with them, night and day,for about two months; these they call hog shep-herds. 11th and third of the week. Joseph Jones cameearly this morning to Lapham's and set off with us