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Journal of a Visit to the Seneca Indians, 1796, by James Cooper of Woodbury, N.J.


2nd of the month riding the Road a little intricate our friend kindly sent his Son about six miles with us to put us in our Road and in riding about 12 miles passed Sussex Courthouse , crossed the line of N. Jersey and N. York got a bait for our horses and Glass of wine for ourselves with a kind woman the wife of a now General Hethorn who’se a member of Congress for State of N. York rode above thirty miles mostly in a Valley Mountain and hill were as wall on each side put us at Joseph H Drakes a publick house near Chester a town nearly laid out, 50 miles it was computed we rode this Day Third of the month and 5th of the week rode to New Winser by the a North River side the hills so high that we seemingly got on the Roofs of the houses before by the timeby we see -- them this morning Rode about 20 miles here we Dined with Daniel Burns who three years ago removed from Pensylvania his mill appears to be calculated for much business is within a few of the flowings of the River side, after refreshing our selves and horses we set off &; 12 miles riding reach'd Edward Halluck Father in law of David Sands a pleasant agreeable antient friend in the 77th year of his life the force of his Mentalfaculties appears to be without