timbered with Pitch Pine Ninth of the month cross'd the SchanactadyMohock rid in theRiver most of the way this morning could see the water the Road goes wentunder the hill so on the other side the same a bottom land appearance very fertile of about an hun-dred Rod a hill on each side of a consideable size of considerable Highth covered with with scrubs &; pine as high as the forks of the Schoharra and Mohock twenty miles from the town we Lodg'd at, we Din'd near the little Village called Cagnawago about four miles from Johnstown were inform'd the Country a little distance very good black soil thickly setted to the place we rode 25 miles afternoon rode along the sidebank of the River 10 miles to the Spraykers ferry where we lodg'd this last ride more pleasanter than the mornings the bankshills still continuing very high the Bottoms some wider as we rode a long on the tops discovered it to be very fertile bearing wheat, oats, Peas, Oats &; Peas sowed together &; very good Grass – Tenth of the month &; sixth of the week this Morning started without Breakfast or Oats for our Horses cross'd the ferry the Road still continuing between on the Bottom between the High Hill of &; the River now on the South side of the River its admisabe the bottom wider &; better Improv'd its soil appears to be wonderfully fertile resembling our Bank Meadows with this difference they having the expence of Tide banks these none the ferry keeper inform us he had yesterday cross'd between 60 &; 70 People keeping Tavern &; Stores is the Choissest employment of the setters we had onon the Road, we this morning we breakfasted 10 miles on our Road where we were told that Cherry Valley lay eighteen miles south of the river where we then were