grass, &; above all places that I ever saw this exceeded for Strawberrys here four of us Staid all night, next morning on the 23rd again went to the Oneida settlement when we after viewing the the place again we agreed upon the placea lot we believed would answer the our purpose, then return'd to our home Captain Hendricks it being the 23rd. At our return were inform'd the two Commissioners from Boston, (Presbyterian ministers) who at the request or direction of their Brethren of Scotland had in the forenoon held a Counsel with the Stockbridges &; was then gone to Oneida to a Counsel with them. They had 24 questions in writing as how many Pagans, how many Indians of the nation, whether they increased or deceased and the rest I do not recollect, What gave rise to the Visit was it seems the Oneidas had made complaint in writing to the Society that their Kirkland did not preach but once in a while, that he had an £100 a year they thought he ought to serve them faithfully they came to see whether the complaint was well Grounded or not Some of our company had an opportunity with them who said they appeared very friendly to our concern &; told Us or one of them he wish'd us success in our undertaking that he thought we had got upon the right bottom to make a fair proof of what can be done to change their habits of Life, likewise they requested if we had no objection they might have a Copy of our Minute from the Committee they should send one to their Brethren in Scotland, we furnished gave them one, their Names