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Journal of a Visit to the Seneca Indians, 1796, by James Cooper of Woodbury, N.J.


after those offers were read by Hendrickson &; Interpretted they were advis'd to watchfulness &; care over themselves that they did not let their inclination to strong Liquor be their ruin, but those who were so weak as to gaddicted to be allways upon their guard and never use it at all, that they would should be industrious &; not love to be running about but to stay at home &; mind their own business that they thereby with a divine blessing would have plenty to live on the Great Spirit would no doubt be pleas'd with such a life as this &; that if they did but mind that inward something in their own breasts that made them feel Quiet and Peaceable for well doing, and on the contrary for getting drunk and other Evil things which displeased the Great Spirit they felt sorrow &; Disquiet in their hearts. Then after sitting a short time Hendrick in behalf of the his people spoke to this effect that they were glad of to hear our words that they would endeavor to mind them, That they were glad of the our offer to them that they believed we were there true Friends. But that he remembered that we said that after trying them for a while and there appeared no improvement among them that then we should be discouraged from giving them any more assistance, which he hoped might not be the case* But if they should make improvement they wanted to know if their Brothers and friends the Quakers would then continue to help them or no. They were answered we were in hopes that if they were but industrious and sober and minded our counsel &; our friends instruction that stayed with them