poor Soldiers, pretty much at the same rate the public Securities were purchased of them even at a very inconsiderable price - We were inform'd that there were but of very few of the Original who retain'd their Lands. We found the Cayuga’s settlement was about two &; an half Miles from the place we now are were at, at our request, Frederick went with us to their Settlement &; to the Wigwam of a young couple the man an Oneida his wife of the Stockbridge his name John Jourden They who said they spoke pretty good English, his having the language so well was the reason of his being among them as an Interpreter for them having their Language likewise. We mentioned to him our business he understood and define of having them together in a few hours, but he inform'd us they were gone a Hunting &; could not come be got together before tomorrow about ten O’clock, which would disconcerted our plan very much intending to have moved forward toward Canadaqua after the Op when our business was gone through with them, there were a few of them at home however therefore had them summoned together, but there when together there number being so inconsiderable that it could not be satisfactory nor best to go into the business with them at this time, &; tomorrow being first day we could not fully approve of Meeting them on business then, least the people round about might take occasion to vilify Us. Under these several considerations concluded to stay in the place &; meetfor them to meet Us about sunrise Second