Twenty fifth after Dinner rode to Little Fishing Creek 20 miles or nearly where we divided two of us put up at Jacob Clatons to stay all night, the other two a half mile farther with Jesse Haines a Publick minister, both from Chester County above two years ago --- Twenty Sixth went to John Loydds in Cattawissa 15 miles where we din'd said friend follows the Tanning Business is the son of John Loydd a Public friend from thence we rode to Frederic Levenburgh Where we lodg'd this house thirty by twenty five two story high without a single pane of Glass or any provision to put any in this afternoon rode 13 miles Twenty seventh started without breakfast rode 17 miles to George Babor where we Bated &; Breakfasted after which went to Richard Stevenses 11 miles and Bated from thence to John Stars 13 mils to &; Lodged Twenty eighth lay by on account of to recruit our Horses &; Selves. Twenty Ninth started rode through Reading to see the place 9 miles, from thence to the Widow Rutters Potts Grove 17 miles to Dinner from thence to Isaac Jacobs bank of Schuylkill 16 miles