impressions of that solemnity have never departed from me. After some time, I arose in much humility, and informed them that it was neither curiosity, ease, nor interest, that induced me to leave my habita-tion; but that their children whom they delivered to me four years ago, might be safely returned to them, with their qualifications and improvements. And as the great and good Spirit had preserved them from various evils, so I hoped they would con-tinue to do well; with more to that import. A solemn pause ensued: then some low words were spoken by the chiefs, and lower whispers among the women. A pause then followed; after which the interpreter stood up, and turning towards me, spoke to this import;—Brother, attend. We rejoice to see you come by the side of our fire-place; and that our girls have been preserved from various dangers; also, that you have been preserved while walking all along the long path;—and we know that all you do is out of love to us poor Indians. It is proper to remark, that each girl had a Bible and other religious books, in which they could read; also, a spinning wheel, with abundance of clothes of their own making. Our friend John Dean, his wife and son, reside at this place, under patronage of the Indian com-mittee of New York Yearly Meeting. On first-day, I sat with this family in a meeting capacity, which, is their usual practice. When our meeting ended, I went with J. Dean to the Indians' place of worship; where the ceremonies of a funeral were about to be solemnized. The coffin was placed about twenty yards from the house, while the congregation re-