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Journal of Joshua Evans 1795-1796 (E)


23d The next Meeting was among friends of Queman's Patent, large andsolid. At the close of the publick sitting, I had an opportunity withfriends by themselves; Here way opened for close labour respecting thethe necessity of reformation, as things amongst them were much out ofOrder, and too much lukewarmness prevalent. I was also at theirmonthly meeting next day, where I was engaged to labour withboth Sexes, on the necessity of reformation, and had to touch on thesame Subjects as in other Places, concerning Foreign Trade, Rum, India Tea, Tobacco &;c, exhorting to that of more true moderation, temperance&;c, with the use of our own country Produce. 26th. After that I had a Meeting at Clineykill, a solid favouredSeason, said to be the largest known to be in that place: A hopewas expressed by some that the Lord would bless my Labours. 27th. The next day was at New-Britain, a large and solid Meeting; andanother at Steven-town in the Afternoon, where power was givento labour fervently for the good of souls --- I am this day 64years old; and am at times deeply humbled in beholding how myway has been opened, and every kindness necessary have I witnessed from allsorts of people; with a Capacity to undergo hard-travelling, thru' scenes&; Places where to human view it seemed impossible: In the Armof the Lord is all Strength &; sufficiency.