that he was convinced of the truth, on hearing some little Children using the plain language of thee, to one another; and they appearingso lamblike, he believed it was Truth's language: I thought, fromthis instance, how much effect simple Plainness hath, even when observ-able in children: and how much more if grown people &; Parents wereproperly concerned to live up the pure inward principle of Truth? Weshould then be teachers, instead of stumbling blocks, to honest enqui-rers; and like the Salt of the earth, the savour whereof would be perceivedfor miles round, in a neighborhood where it was retained. 28th. I attended the Quarterly Meeting at Oblong; it was very large,and comfortable to my mind: Gospel Truths were declared to the tenderingof many hearts: The next day the Youth's Meeting was said to be thelargest known in this place; a solid and favour'd season I believe; Thepeople sat quiet, although crowded; and I sat in silence, being comfortedin Christ our Lord. The day following I travelledtowards Nine partners again, their Meeting being near, and on the way Stopped at the Ridge Meetingheld the 1st of the 11th month, which was very large, solemnity prevailing,tho' many had to stand up for want of seats. The day before I staid at aFriend's house, whose wife was in a weak State of health: she appeared to beof an innocent spirit, and expected much satisfaction in the right. 2nd. This morning considering how well I fared among my friends, I feared thedanger of forgetting the Lord, who had so remarkably favour'd, &; prepared myway; Let him have the praise of his own Works, who is alone worthy, forever. I had a solid opportunity with a naughty young man, the only Son