themselves, to my comfort and their theirs. I saw there was great needof care in this place, as they are but newly convinced, and their number-small. They hold Meetings under the Care of Oblong monthly meetingin the government of New York. This viz. Hartford appears to have been a dark placeof formal Professors of Religion. 12th. Leaving Hartford, and returningwestward bout 40 miles, I had a solid &; satisfactory meeting at Goshen:where some attended that never had been at one of our Meetings before:with one of whom I had solid conversation: She was in a tender State,&; expressed herself not satisfied with their hireling Teachers, believing theyought to work for something towards their own maintenance; without spend-ing their time from week to week in an idle way, &;c:. 14th. I went from hence to see a Settlement of Indians at Scatecook, about30 in number, with whom I had a meeting: and afterwards visited themin their families, in which I had satisfaction. The next day I was atthat called the Branch Meeting, being on first day, which was dull and exer- 16th. cising. ---- At the Monthly Meeting at Oblong I also attended, and had a solid season both among men and women; many of the young peo-People were present, to whom, as well as to Parents &; others I endeavored to discharge myself honestly: reminding them of the Indians above mention'd, for whom I was concerned, as much of the land had been obtained from that Peopleunder value, &; some of it very unfairly, That now it was right, kindness towards them should be remembred; Friends uniting with my Concern, a Commit-tee was appointed to visit the Indians, &; administer to their help if need-ful. This days exercise &; Labour yielded me Comfort, and, I believe tended tothe Glory of God; Blessed be his great Name; He is the Helper of his People.