a worldly Spirit, &; mention it's weakening effects in leading to thevain customs of the World in dress &;c: I was led on this oc-casion to speak plain, and closely urge my friends to a properattention to this advice, with other matters recommended; It appear'devident to me that giving way to fleshly ease, and a worldly Spi-rit, was the ground cause of a defection in our Society, &; a depar-ture from that Simplicity which the dictates of the blessed Truth,if strictly observed, would lead into. Some of the rich can scarce-ly bear this kind of doctrine, especially Parents; The Childrensometimes appear most tender. -- I had also to express my fearsrespecting the dangerous consequence of friends mixing with othersin promoting a School at Haddonfield for instructing Youth in theFrench Language: as it might be a snare to entangle some ofthe dear Youth, &; expose them to the Company of those of a looseconduct &;c. Tho' some seemed to disapprove of my freedom in thisrespect, several both Old and young united with my Sentiments. 12th. I was at Woodberry Monthly Meeting: where a worldly spiritwas again treated on, with its' effects: I opened my Sentiments on whatrelates to extortion; and had to advise my friends not to seek the largestPrices when they were about to sell, Meat or other produce, especially tothose in low circumstances: This appear'd to be a low time: and I wasafraid my friends in this place had lost ground. 18th. At our Meeting lately we had the company of four friends who were Ministers,